Please be sure to take advantage of the subscription that St. Agnes Parish has purchased to...
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Lenten Penance Services in Johnson County
The Saint Agnes Penance Service takes place on Sunday, March 17th, at 3:00 pm in the church. The...
Fish Fry
FRIDAYS THIS LENT 5:00pm – 7:00pm Fridays Feb 23, Mar 1, Mar 8, & Mar 22
Saturday Night Vigil Mass
Please follow this link to our youtube Page where the most current live stream Masses are located.
Adoration Chapel News
Beginning at 6:00 am on Ash Wednesday, our Adoration Chapel will return to a 24/7 format. We would...
Lent @ St. Agnes
ASH WEDNESDAY MASS SCHEDULE 6:30 am 8:15 am (School Mass) 6:30 pm FASTING & ABSTINENCE Those...