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Please be sure to take advantage of the subscription that St. Agnes Parish has purchased to FORMED®, where you will find tons of great Catholic content. It’s easy and free to register. Go to . Click register and enter your...


Lenten Penance Services in Johnson County

The Saint Agnes Penance Service takes place on Sunday, March 17th, at 3:00 pm in the church. The following is a listing of Penance Services in other Johnson County parishes that week: Monday, March 18, at 7:00 pm Good Shepherd •...

Parish Life

Fish Fry

FRIDAYS THIS LENT 5:00pm – 7:00pm Fridays Feb 23, Mar 1, Mar 8, & Mar 22  

Parish Life

Adoration Chapel News

Beginning at 6:00 am on Ash Wednesday, our Adoration Chapel will return to a 24/7 format. We would ideally like to have dedicated hours assigned to all Adorers. Hopefully returning to a 24/7 format will accommodate more Adorers...


Lent @ St. Agnes

ASH WEDNESDAY MASS SCHEDULE  6:30 am 8:15 am (School Mass) 6:30 pm  FASTING & ABSTINENCE Those who are 14 years of age or older are to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays of Lent Catholics in good health...


Feast of St. Agnes – Chili Supper

The Knights of Columbus and The Women of St. Agnes invite you the the Feast of St. Agnes Parish Chili Supper & Pot Luck on Friday, January 19th, 2024.