

Baptism makes one a member of the body of Christ and incorporates one into the Church, sharing in its mission. The principal effects of Baptism are purification from sins and a new birth in the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church baptizes individuals of all ages. For infants, the Church requires formation and catechesis for parents in preparation for the baptism of their children. Adolescents and adults are prepared for Baptism through a process called the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation). Please call the Church office if you or your child needs to be baptized or if you have questions.


The Rite of Reconciliation, often called “confession,” is the sacrament in which Christ forgives our sins and reconciles us to our fellow Christians. It is celebrated by the penitent expressing sorrow by acknowledging his or her sins and the priest granting absolution in Christ’s name. The Rite of Reconciliation can be celebrated at any time; please call the Church office for an appointment or refer to the weekly bulletin for scheduled times.


Christ’s presence among us in the Eucharist (Holy Communion) has always been a key teaching of the Catholic faith. Through bread and wine, Christ becomes present in the Eucharistic celebration. St. Paul succinctly describes this in 1 Corinthians 11:27-30. Usually, First Eucharist is celebrated in the second grade and is also part of our RCIA instructions. Call the Church office if you have questions surrounding the sacrament of Holy Communion.


Confirmation is the completion of baptism, giving the full power of a Christian. This sacrament strengthens and increases what we receive at baptism, particularly the power of bearing witness to Christ. The ceremony of Confirmation includes a renewal of our baptismal promises. We become full-fledged members of the Church, lay apostles in the fullest sense. The age for celebrating Confirmation in our parish is the 7th, 8th, and 9th grades. Classes are provided, and the bishop normally confirms these young people in a special ceremony. Please call the Church office if you need to be confirmed or have questions.


Marriage is the sacrament by which Christ joins a Christian man and woman in a grace-giving, lifelong union. Any two baptized people capable of marriage, when they are freely and legally married, receive the sacrament of marriage. The couple gives the sacrament of marriage to each other, exercising their priesthood in a significant way. Any Catholic young adult (18 years and older) can get married in the Catholic Church.

If a person is divorced and wants to marry or remarry in the Catholic Church, they can petition to be free to marry. Four to six months of preparation is required before the marriage of a Catholic. These preparations include participation in the Archdiocesan Marriage Preparation Program. The annulment of a marriage may be sought by contacting the pastor. Please call the Church office if you have any questions or wish to discuss further.

Holy Orders

Men become priests through the sacrament of holy orders — the laying on of the bishop’s hands and prayer. Through this sacrament, Christ changes the man interiorly, giving him the powers of the priesthood. There are different orders or degrees in the priesthood: deacon, priest, and bishop. Some men choose to remain “permanent” deacons, who may be married. Priests and bishops are not married, although there are some exceptions for priests who were ministers in another faith tradition before joining the Catholic Church. If you have any questions or are interested in the priesthood, please contact Fr. Pat Sullivan.

Anointing of the Sick

In the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, Christ uses the anointing and prayers of the priest to give comfort and strength to the soul and body of the seriously ill. We meet Christ here to receive his healing comfort, strength, and pardon. Anyone who is seriously ill, mentally or physically, may take part in this sacrament. It is also available for those undergoing surgery with general anesthesia or those who are weak from old age. Don’t hesitate to call for the Pastor to administer this sacrament at any serious change in your condition.

Please call the Church office for more information or to schedule any of the sacraments.